Call For Tutorials

The 41st DASC seeks competitive tutorial proposals on emerging topics in aviation and aerospace. The selected tutorials shall be held September 18th-19th, typically in a 3-hour slot, between 8am and 6pm. If you have any questions, reach out to Professional Education/Tutorial Chair: Krishna Sampigethaya ([email protected]).

Tutorial Proposal Format

The proposal should concisely and clearly describe the tutorial content and objectives, not exceeding 5 pages in single space, 12-pt font, including:

  1. Title of the tutorial.
  2. Abstract, objectives and motivation.
  3. Timeliness and intended audience.
  4. Name, affiliation, and a short biography of each tutorial speaker.
  5. A description of the technical issues that the tutorial addresses.
  6. An outline of the tutorial content, including its tentative schedule.
  7. Format and delivery tutorial: lecture; lecture + hands-on; lecture + equipment training, or something else.
  8. What is expected from the tutorial attendees (knowledge, resources, etc.).
  9. What resources are given to the attendees (handouts, USB flash drive, laptop, etc.); the conference provides meeting room and AV media equipment.
  10. Duration of the tutorial: A typical DASC tutorial is 3 hours: two 80-minute segments separated by a 20-minute break. Longer duration needs justification.
  11. A description of past experience of the speaker on the topic of the tutorial.
  12. State if a similar tutorial was offered in a past DASC, how your tutorial differs.

The tutorial proposal should be emailed directly to the tutorial chairs as a single PDF file. Please send all of your 41st DASC tutorial-related questions to the Professional Education/Tutorial Chair: Krishna Sampigethaya ([email protected]).


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